Noise marks new Make in India milestone; manufactures over 1M smartwatches in May

Noise marks new Make in India milestone; manufactures over 1M smartwatches in May


New Delhi: Noise, one of India’s connected lifestyle brand, announced a new Make In India milestone of making over one million smartwatches locally in the month of May alone.

Noise started this year by setting a significant landmark towards this goal, by localising over 90% of their smartwatches starting January.

Amit Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise, said, “Our unwavering commitment to the Make in India initiative fills us with immense pride. Consequently, achieving the manufacturing milestone of over a million smartwatches in a month in India holds great significance for us. This remarkable feat is a clear demonstration of our deep-rooted dedication and understanding of the India market. This landmark is yet another testimony to our relentless pursuit of making India self-reliant and nurturing the ethos of the Make in India movement.”