launches new feature giving users an authentic fantasy cricket experience launches new feature giving users an authentic fantasy cricket experience, one of India’s leading platforms for cricket news, updates, analytics, and videos, has announced the introduction of ‘Asli Fantasy’ to its mobile application. This latest addition brings back the original and highly competitive format of cricket fantasy, promising users an unparalleled experience of their favourite sport.
In this format, teams are locked in one hour before the commencement of the match, seeking to elevate the anticipation and strategic element for participants.
‘Asli Fantasy’ allows users to curate their teams, devise strategies, and play against peers in a competitive environment. Seasoned fantasy players can choose to play from the 3 contest types – rumble, head to head and winner takes all available on the app.
The app also offers a ‘Criclytics Team’ where users can choose from 4 different fantasy teams generated by’s proprietary AI engine.
“Our decision to reintroduce ‘Asli Fantasy’ stems from the commitment to meet the evolving needs of our users and remaining relevant amidst shifting consumption patterns. With a user-friendly interface, we are excited to see our platform’s foray into another revenue stream., said Siddharth Sharma, SVP- Business Strategy Head, Digital Works.”
In conjunction with the launch of ‘Asli Fantasy,’ also unveiled a set of brand films that aim to capture the essence of using one’s skills and knowledge of cricket to make fantasy teams on The films went live on major OTT, OLV, and social channels.
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